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How Competitive Are You?

Trading is as competitive of an environment as you’ll find anywhere on the planet. With millions of participants, literally trillions of dollars at play, and some of the brightest minds on earth manning the front lines, you’d better show up with your game face on if you want to win in this game!

I’ve been watching the Soul of a Champion series on the new Versus network (formerly OLN), and it is awesome. It stirs up emotions within me every time I watch and hear these stories of great champions in their respective sports. Their drive to succeed and the road which took these athletes to the level they are at is pretty inspiring.

How competitive are you? How driven to achieve your goals are you?

Whether we’re talking about trading or something different on a personal level, you’ve got to have goals in place in order to have a direction each day. How bad do you want it? How hard are you willing to work? What are you driven to achieve? These questions are constantly in front of us as we check our progress, and I think they’re healthy and motivating questions to continually ask ourselves as traders. Ignoring them would be a mistake.

I’ve found that hard work not only improves my skills, but it’s an ongoing source of confidence, which is a requirement for trading. Doing my homework and constantly reviewing my results adds to my confidence level in each trade I make. To put cash at work when there’s an element of fate involved that may be out of your control (like trading), it does take confidence. I set my goals high and I hope you do too!

Set the bar high for your trading. If you want to see how we’re managing trades in this market environment and find an added element of confidence, come take the free trial [1] and see what we’re all about. Our growing community offers a lot of tools to help you reach your trading goals, and we’d love to trade with you!

Jeff White
President, The Stock Bandit, Inc.
www.TheStockBandit.com [2]

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