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Reminiscences of a Stock Operator – Annotated Edition

Trading books [1] are among my favorite to read, and I’m always on the lookout for a good one.  The ones I like the most aren’t of the how-to nature, given that I’ve been a full-time trader for so many years.  Instead, I really like those that get inside the heads of great traders.

I’ve pointed out my favorite reads [2] in this category before, and that hasn’t changed.  I still re-read them each year, and I either pick up new lessons or am reminded of timeless lessons each time I go through them.  It’s a good investment of my time. [3]

Perhaps at the top of the list is Reminiscences of a Stock Operator [4] by Edwin Lefévre.  My original copy is marked up from cover to cover where I’ve underlined portions of the text and made my own notes in the margin.

It’s based on real-life trader Jesse Livermore, but technically the book is fictional.  Having read several other books by and about Livermore, this one does chronicle much of his trading past in an accurate fashion.  However, I’ve always wondered about the facts behind the book and have wanted to know more.

So, when I was asked if I’d be interested in receiving a copy of the new Annotated Edition [4] by Jon Markman [5], I jumped at the chance.  After having read through it in the past few weeks, I’m impressed with it to say the least.  Here are a few of my favorite takeaways from the book:

This new Annotated Edition is filled with side notes, insights, and the historical context in which the events took place – right alongside the original text of the book.  Cultural settings are explained, and economic and political circumstances are discussed.  Backgrounds of key characters are highlighted, helping to further clarify each scene.

The photos and detailed descriptions of the conditions under which Livermore was trading also shine considerable light on each circumstance.  As a result, I not only learned some interesting history of the market, but along the way I also gained some valuable, timeless insights to apply in today’s trading environment.

Thank you Jon for sending me a copy of the book!  And in case some of you haven’t read this classic, pick up a copy of it today – I have no doubt it’ll quickly become your favorite.

Trade Like a Bandit!

Jeff White

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