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Strategic Adjustments that Pay Off Big

[1]Like sports and business, trading requires the ability and the willingness to adapt. This involves continually learning and growing so that you’re never stagnant with a single approach.

Recently I sat down with Tim Bourquin for a MoneyShow Interview, and we discussed this topic of how Strategic Adjustments can Pay Off Big. The clip is 3 minutes and can be viewed here [1].

In the segment, we discuss trading biases, contingency plans, backing down when you’re uncertain, and the importance of focusing on a single market while still allowing yourself some ways to diversify within it.

(Other 3-minute videos from this same interview discuss The Trade Plan that Works For Me [2], as well as Win More by Risking Less [3], which you may also enjoy.)

Trade Like a Bandit!

Jeff White
Producer of The Bandit Broadcast [4]

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