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15 Questions & Answers

My recent live interview [1] with Charles Kirk [2] generated quite a few questions. A number of them we were able to address during the chat, but many went unanswered.trader-chat-answers

If you were in attendance and didn’t get your question answered, look for it below. But even if you weren’t there, hopefully you’ll find this useful to observe.  I’m also happy to answer questions via the comments section below, so feel free to post yours there!

Here are 15 unanswered questions from the session:

1. Kevin: Jeff, what timeframe do you normally use in your charts, and do you let the bar close before entering a trade?

2. Ryan: Do you have any execution techniques that you like to use?

3. Moe: How can you scan the market for setups or make trades when the market is so volatile and so driven by daily events and emotions?

4. Guest: What sectors are you finding most of your trades these days?

5. Jon: Isn’t the general rule of thumb that in a correlation study, most of the correlation comes from selection, then overall market, so what we are looking for in trading is the small fraction which lead the pack on a given day which will then beat just trading the index ETF’s?

6. Sam: Do you ever trade options?

7. Tom: Do you hold stocks into their earnings report or do you only trade following the report?

8. Frenchy: What is your favorite ETF you like to trade?

9. Leon: Do you believe a high volume move to the downside can be a reversal signal?

10. Jon: Do you feel price follows volume, or volume follows price?

11. Ryan: Do you have any interesting research projects in the works?

12. Layne: What indicators do you like to use?  Certain ones in certain markets?

13. Jake: What are the setups that you look for on the chart before buying and selling?

14. Ryan: Do you see the growing awareness and popularity of ‘technical analysis’ translating into an easier market to trade in the future, or a more unpredictable one as more retail money uses the same methods?

15. Guest: Have there been any patterns you’re finding that are working well in this environment?

Trade Like a Bandit!

Jeff White
Producer of The Bandit Broadcast

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