Trading & Golf Series
Welcome to my Trading & Golf Series!
Many traders like myself are golfers, and the similarities between the two are numerous. This series is intended to point out a few similarities I’ve found and lessons which apply to both endeavors. I don’t know all there is to know about either one, but I’ve spent quite a few years honing my skills in them both, so hopefully you’ll find something useful along the way!
This page will serve as “home base” for this series, and I’ll be updating links to each individual post below. Also, this series is a little faster-paced with shorter post length but more frequent postings. That way, you won’t get stuck reading a long post and miss your tee time or your trade alert!
Your participation is always welcomed, so anytime you have comments please feel free to share them.
Series Posts:
Trading & Golf – Introduction
One Shot (Trade) at a Time
Never Force It
Perfection Isn’t Required
Conservative Confidence
Be Specific
Have A Routine
It’s Not How, It’s How Many
Be Honest With Yourself
Expectations Can Be Harmful
Goals are a Must
Practicing is Different Than Playing
Embrace Your Own Style
Always Room to Improve
Grind It Out
Miss ’em Close!
Great Equipment Won’t Make You Great
Like It Or Not…
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Jeff White
President, The Stock Bandit, Inc.