April 12, 2012 at 7:40 am | | Comments 0

Strategic Adjustments that Pay Off Big

Like sports and business, trading requires the ability and the willingness to adapt. This involves continually learning and growing so that you’re never stagnant with a single approach.

Recently I sat down with Tim Bourquin for a MoneyShow Interview, and we discussed this topic of how Strategic Adjustments can Pay Off Big. The clip is 3 minutes and can be viewed here.

In the segment, we discuss trading biases, contingency plans, backing down when you’re uncertain, and the importance of focusing on a single market while still allowing yourself some ways to diversify within it.

(Other 3-minute videos from this same interview discuss The Trade Plan that Works For Me, as well as Win More by Risking Less, which you may also enjoy.)

Trade Like a Bandit!

Jeff White
Producer of The Bandit Broadcast

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